
Showing posts from September, 2023


  Aikyam 19-08-2023 THE PRISTINE HEART! “ India, the land with the spirit of camaraderie, India , the valor that thrives, The land where life dwindles, you bring life! This is the divine essence of India!   India, the land with mosaic of cultures and integration, India, where mankind harmonizes with unfolding innovation,   The land that emphasizes social welfare, This is the pristine heart of India!   India, the land of sovereignty and impetus The land that embraces a diverse crowd, India, the land to be known as an enchanting mother, This is the ethos of my homeland!”   In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, celebrating religious harmony is a crucial endeavor. Religious Harmony Day serves as a reminder of the beauty of coexistence and understanding among different faiths. We dwelled into an occasion that resonates deeply with the essence of humanity – unity in diversity in which India comes to the forefront. We entwined our

Devices are technologically updated, but we?

  Devices are technologically updated, but we? 23 rd  of August 2023   In the era of connectivity that we are living in, cybercrime encompasses a wide range of illegal actions, such as hacking, identity theft, online fraud, spreading malware, phishing, and more. These activities are conducted with the intention of causing harm, stealing information, or gaining unauthorized access to systems or data. Disseminating knowledge and encouraging alertness about this among the users is indispensable. SRCW on 23 rd of August 2023 , inaugurated it’s new club-The Cyber Security Club. Our principal Mrs. K Chitra, made an interesting statement, “use your mobile phones protectively, even if not productively “. It was a fantastic kickoff   and the Chief guest Mr. P A Arun, inspector of police, Cyber Crime, Coimbatore, turned it into an exceedingly enlightening session through his presentation. Users are unaware of the technology. Police, who are handling the other side of the society

Bangalore Diaries

  Bangalore Diaries Words may fade, but Memories don’t..   The fascinating journey began amidst the starry sky, with moonlit faces and enjoying eyes. We boarded a night train on August 23 rd , bound for Bangalore. The rhythmic clatter of the tracks beneath and the distant city lights created an enchanting atmosphere. As dawn broke on the 24 th , enthusiasm bubbled within us as we headed to Wonderla, an amusement park that promised a day of electrifying excitement and fun. Squeals of delight echoed as we soared on exhilarating rides, making memories that will last a lifetime. The roller coaster and water rides added a thrill to this fun experience. The day continued with an eye-opening industrial visit to a water plant, revealing the magic behind the clear liquid that sustains us. Setting off from Bangalore in a bus on August 25 th evening, we embarked on a scenic jeep safari the next day. The dawn dived into a thrilling Jeep ride, leading us through nature’s picturesque wonders.

"IV Diaries”

  When we first heard that there was going to be an IV trip for us final year students, we could barely contain the excitement. Finally! A trip, well deserved. Planning the trip was as thrilling as the actual trip itself! Our journey began by night travel to Bengaluru from the Podanur Junction Railway Station. We reached Bengaluru in the wee hours and immediately proceeded to Coorg. Students happily danced to electrifying beats at 4:00 in the morning, something one rarely finds during normal college days.   We reached Kushalnagar (situated on the foothills of Coorg) by noon, freshened up and immediately proceeded to see the sights. Our first stop was to The Namdroling Monastery, or more commonly knows as The Golden Temple, just in time for the prayers. We witnessed more than a hundred young monks chanting prayers in unison. The throat-singing took all of us to a different world and was one of a kind experience. Next we drove up to Coorg and visited the famed Raja ’ s seat. The vi

On becoming an Ubuntu Teacher !

  Sounds like a yummy delicacy, right???? Nothing to do with it… I happened to read this article on ‘Become an Ubuntu teacher’ today (Sep 4, 2023)* in The Hindu in the Education Plus column that I thoroughly enjoyed. I happened to share it with one of my friends** and she asked me to write a blog on my version of the same. And I was like why not. Here I am… In this era of high competition, setting high standards, benchmarks, social pressure etc. this Ubuntism made complete sense to me. Ubuntu is an African word meaning “humanity to others”. The golden rule of Ubuntu is interdependence i.e., “One’s existence is intertwined with others, shaping who I am”. No one person exists or acts in isolation; everyone is connected with others forming a web of relationships. This peaceful coexistence in spite of the magnitude of diversities is the beauty of human life. This principle of Ubuntuism is applicable anywhere and everywhere. As teachers, when we internalize and institutionalize this concept

To be...or not to be !!!

         As a lover of Petrichor, on a parched day...I await this day as a Teacher to be wished (or rather )at least recognised for the Job as a 'Teacher'. When I scrolled on my heavy -set day finding some me-time for myself (not for relaxing)but to write this blog...which will eventually get posted by me ! The story begins thus , as a Teacher of 16 years, I look back and reminisce on myself as a teacher. The point is that I realized the graveness only after say 5 years into my profession,  to land my Boeing 747 on this run-way...many a time I had also planned a run-away !! So here I am after 16 years, trying to strike a balance between...where my inner guru commands and demands things from me each day. The Hamlet in my nunnery asking to be...or not to be ?! It is a challenging Question..Just like the job itself , where to be a teacher, you literally make a lot of sacrifices both unseen & unheard of. All my fraternity would agree on this point, where you just need more powe

Visiting the Central Institute of Fisheries Technology(CIFT)-Cochin

  The journey of excitement started at the Central Institute of Fisheries Technology ( CIFT ) , Cochin. It is a great asset to the people in the area of research in the fisheries. The institute is well equipped with all cutting edge technologies to introduce  value added products, training programs, evaluation programs in fish industry with respect to coastal areas in India. The institute also focuses on waste management programs in converting fish waste into useful products like fertilizers, cosmetics, nutraceuticals, food supplements, surgical implants.  There are also massive training programs, tribal programs for tribal fishing   to empower women in India. The research was carried out in unexplored areas in this institute had paved way for variety of new products like Marine Melanin, seaweed cookies, Fish samosa, Fish collagen for periodontal applications.   The institute also promotes entrepreneurship by the incubation centre located at Cochin. The students who are thriving for a

Banglore Dayz πŸ’•

As someone who is foreigner and has spent most of her life in different countries, I can assure you, the way IV was done here could never be done the same anywhere else. If there is anything I can remember when I was a fresher was that everyone was super excited about IV, and I thought they were all exaggerating.  Boy was I wrong!  When the news came out that we get to explore any place for a couple of days with your friends, it was no lie that every single one of us was excited. In fact, we were so excited that we were counting down days. The evening of August 23, 2023, was when we all assembled in the railway station carrying not only our luggage but also our dreams. The train ride was filled with music, food, dancing, getting told by other passengers to tone it down and finally admiring the view from the window that put us to sleep for a couple of hours. Once reaching Bangalore, it all felt real. We all hopped onto the bus, staring out the window like little children with sparks in