Devices are technologically updated, but we?


Devices are technologically updated, but we?

23rd of August 2023

 In the era of connectivity that we are living in, cybercrime encompasses a wide range of illegal actions, such as hacking, identity theft, online fraud, spreading malware, phishing, and more. These activities are conducted with the intention of causing harm, stealing information, or gaining unauthorized access to systems or data. Disseminating knowledge and encouraging alertness about this among the users is indispensable.

SRCW on 23rd of August 2023 , inaugurated it’s new club-The Cyber Security Club.

Our principal Mrs. K Chitra, made an interesting statement, “use your mobile phones protectively, even if not productively “. It was a fantastic kickoff  and the Chief guest Mr. P A Arun, inspector of police, Cyber Crime, Coimbatore, turned it into an exceedingly enlightening session through his presentation.

Users are unaware of the technology. Police, who are handling the other side of the society, come across a lot of cases regarding Cyber crime. There are about 150 social media platforms that exist but students were unfamiliar with the other platforms except for a smattering amount of platforms that they use.

These platforms can have easy access to our personal information, official data, location, emotions, wishes and so on by the data that we provide.


He quoted, “இங்கு சொல்லப்பட்ட குற்றங்களைவிட சொல்லப்படாத குற்றங்களே அதிகம்”.

Anyone, irrespective of their age and profession, can be a target of Cyber crime. It would end up as a bigger threat if they remain silent due to the fear of societal judgement. He said that opening up about the issue would protect them from further risk



Causes of credential exposure:

 >Phishing- social engineering that targets people.

>Malware- malicious software that disrupts and steels passwords.

>Brute force- weak and default passwords get cracked.

>Snooping- searching for mrisplaced or leaked credentials (in dark web too).


There are countless swindling transpiring and scams unfolding world wide. Especially in India, 97.2 lakh WhatsApp accounts 52 crores of Instagram accounts, 322 crores of Facebook accounts 83.2 lakh YouTube accounts are being banned. The central motives were found to be scamming, fraudulent identity, possessing adult content and nudity. The chief guest advised the students to be safe and not to fall as a victim to the deceitful advancements.


He followed up with the Information about future crimes due to AI and google assistants. In the near future, hacking would become easy since every device and network will be connected under one roof.

He stimulated the installation of M Kavach 2 tool for a safer use of mobile phones.


His session offered a profound clarity and raised our awareness to keep out of harm’s way by putting in place mandatory precautionary steps.

Gayathri S R

II B. Sc., Biochemistry


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