On becoming an Ubuntu Teacher !


Sounds like a yummy delicacy, right????

Nothing to do with it…

I happened to read this article on ‘Become an Ubuntu teacher’ today (Sep 4, 2023)* in The

Hindu in the Education Plus column that I thoroughly enjoyed. I happened to share it with

one of my friends** and she asked me to write a blog on my version of the same. And I was

like why not. Here I am…

In this era of high competition, setting high standards, benchmarks, social pressure etc. this

Ubuntism made complete sense to me. Ubuntu is an African word meaning “humanity to

others”. The golden rule of Ubuntu is interdependence i.e., “One’s existence is intertwined

with others, shaping who I am”. No one person exists or acts in isolation; everyone is

connected with others forming a web of relationships. This peaceful coexistence in spite of

the magnitude of diversities is the beauty of human life. This principle of Ubuntuism is

applicable anywhere and everywhere.

As teachers, when we internalize and institutionalize this concept, it is going to be greater

common benefit for the students and community. In contrast to driving towards cut throat

competition on a single domain, students can be encouraged to adopt constructive

competition by exploring and tapping their individual potentials. Through this an

environment of detrimental competition, unethical methods to strive for success, strained

relationships among peer groups, mental health issues could be transformed into

collaborative learning, teamwork, active participation and fostering a feeling of collective

progress and mutual growth.

Signing off with a vision to become and be an Ubuntu teacher….


Professor & Head – Commerce



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