
Showing posts from July, 2023

To be a good Leader !!!

  We recently had our union inauguration and one of the speakers was Ms. Sheeta l Soni, Country Cha n n e l Manage r, I BM I ndia, Pune. The fi rst t hi ng she did was to probe t his question. W h a t ' s the dif f erence between a l eader and a manag e r ? A leader e n gages w i t h the team and w o r ks w i th them whereas a manager just del egates tasks. A l eader h a s c redibility and a c coun t a b i l i ty as we ll as t h e c apa ci ty to translate vi sion int o r eal i ty. Leadership i s a skill as it involves taking responsibility over the team ' s success or failure unlike that of a manager who would bask in the limelight incase of success but would happily play the blame gam e i ncase of failure. Th i s makes a person feel safe w i th a leader leaving them to volunteer to work under a leader rather than being frustrated owing to the sense of

Union Inauguration 23'- Address by the Chief Guest

 DIGI IGNITEO   In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, there's no doubt that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and modern technologies have emerged as the guiding stars of innovation. In our 33rd  College Union Inauguration, our chief guest, Mr. Shivakumar Narayanaswamy, graced the stage to share insights on the transformative power of AI and how it intertwines with various modern technologies.                                                 Addressing the elephant in the room, the chief guest discussed the transformation from Manual to automatic computing. He doesn't consider AI a threat; instead, he considers it a tool designed to complement and amplify human intelligence. AI and prediction go hand in hand, creating a powerful alliance that has transformed various industries and fields. The chief guest also quotes the recent Wimbledon tennis tournament and its championship predictions. The chief guest touched upon the widespread impact of automation, leading to the