
Showing posts from October, 2023

The Hindi Day Fiesta!!

  The Hindi Day Fiesta!! The department of Hindi “Tarang” celebrated “Hindi Diwas 2023” or “Hindi Day 2023” on 14th September 2023, to commemorate the inclusion of Hindi as an official language of India in the Constitution in 1949. The theme for this year was “Bharath ke Smarak” or “Monuments of India” celebrating the rich Indian cultural heritage evident in the very many historical monuments of India. The day was slated to have five competitions- Poster Making, Just a Minute talk, Jumbled Words, Solo Singing and Solo Dancing. The competitions of Just a Minute talk and Jumbled Words were exclusive for Hindi students, current and former, while the others were open to all students. The celebrations started with a small talk on how Hindi, as language, has been the thread of unity that ties people from different parts of India. Hindi is the third most spoken language in the world, just behind English and Mandarin. The beauty of the language is its simplicity, such that non-native Hindi spe